Sunday, August 25, 2019

First Week of School!

Goals for the Week

  • Get to know one another
  • Create trust within our groups
  • Create a definition for "life"
  • Define what collaboration looks like in a science classroom
Circle Time!
  • Introduction
  • Hopes and Fears - we will create our first driving question board
What does collaboration look like in the science classroom?
  • Our goal is to create an environment that is supportive of learning in a group setting

Wednesday and Thursday

Review Syllabus and have signed by next Wednesday
Create group contracts based on protocol from yesterday

  • Upload to Google Classroom
    • 5th hour code - x1fxcuf
    • 7th hour code - vw6ema

How do we know something is alive?  How do we distinguish between living and non-living?
  • Our goal is to create a definition that will help us determine whether something is living - please use this problem sheet to guide your work
No School